[FR] Docker Birthday #5 - Quebec

Merci à tous d'être venus participer à ce rendez-vous annuel !

Mais tout cela n'aurait pas été possible sans le support d'Ingeno, qui nous a accueilli et a fourni un magnifique gâteau. Merci aussi à nos 2 supers mentors !

Lors de cet évènement, vous avez pu travailler sur les ateliers suivants:

Ateliers encore disponibles

Docker 101 - Linux

Lien vers l'atelier

An introduction to Docker on Linux that takes you through the basics of the platform, building your first containers, and deploying them in an orchestration system. People taking these labs will come out understanding the basics of Docker and orchestration.

Kubernetes on Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows

Lien vers l'atelier

This lab will cover the basics of using Kubernetes on Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows. People taking this lab will gain an understanding of basic concepts of Kubernetes and how to create your cluster on your desktop.

Ateliers disponible uniquement lors du meetup

Docker 101 - Windows Containers

An introduction to Docker on Windows that takes you through the basics of the platform, building your first containers, and deploying them in an orchestration system. People taking the lab will come out understanding the basics of Docker and orchestration.

Modernizing Traditional Java Apps

This lab will take a traditional, Java EE monolithic application and show you how to containerize it, and then break out a few pieces to have a more modern, modular deployment of the application built on Docker EE. People taking this lab will understand the basics of application modernization and Docker EE.

Modernizing Traditional .NET / Windows Apps

This lab will take a traditional, ASP.NET monolithic application and show you how to containerize it, and then break out a few pieces to have a more modern, modular deployment of the application built on Docker EE. People taking this lab will understand the basics of application modernization and Docker EE.

Deploying Multi-OS applications with Docker EE

In this workshop, you will deploy and refactor a traditional Java application on Linux, into a microservice application, some of the services in Java on Linux, some in .NET on Windows, and deploy the application on a hybrid Docker Enterprise Edition cluster with Linux and Windows nodes.People who take this lab will learn the basics of the Docker EE platform including security and orchestration using both Swarm and Kubernetes.

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Merci à tous d'avoir célébré le 5e anniversaire de Docker et au plaisir de se revoir au prochain meetup !